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A Coronation Made New!

Marking one year since the Coronation of King Charles III, we join forces with the National Youth Choir in a Coronation-inspired event as part of the London Handel Festival.
London, St Martin-in-the-Fields £15 - £35 Info & Tickets

Handel’s four Coronation Anthems have found their way into the heart of the British choral scene, being performed at every British Coronation since King George II. This concert celebrates the continued impact and legacy Handel has on musicians and audiences today. The new works performed will shine new light on some of his most popular Coronation Anthems. Alongside the remarkable array of performers, four of the UK’s most dynamic and acclaimed composers – Anna Clyne, Héloïse Werner, Ben Nobuto and Roderick Wililams – have been commissioned by the London Handel Festival to write companion pieces to Handel’s timeless Coronation Anthems.

See the London Handel Festival’s website for full details.