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An Evening with Bach, Szczecin

Order and moderation versus rebellion and sensuality in Bach's Orchestral Suites.
Szczecin, Filharmonia Szczecin

Bach Sinfonia from the cantata Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats, BWV 42
Bach Concerto for Three Violins in D minor, BWV 1063 (transcribed by Huw Daniel)
Bach Concerto for Oboe and Violin in C minor
Bach Orchestral Suite No. 1 in C major
Bach Concerto for Two Violins in D minor

Margaret Faultless violin
Huw Daniel violin
Katharina Spreckelsen oboe

In between the battling forces of order and rebellion probably lies that elusive ideal we call happiness. For us, that balance of pleasures is found above all in Bach, especially the Orchestral Suites, with their blend of French dance, Italian virtuosity and German tradition, which we perform here alongside other celebrated works including the Concerto for Two Violins.