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Voice Doctor

This Sunday we perform Bach's Cantata BWV 9 about healing, followed by a secular sermon from the ‘Voice Doctor’ Dr Declan Costello on the mysterious world of vocal anatomy.
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JC Bach – Es ist das Heil uns kommen her

JS Bach – BWV 9 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (It is our salvation come here to us)

Lassus – Musica Dei Donum

Graupner – Overture in E major

The Science: ‘Voice Doctor’ Declan Costello
Reading: The Silver Swan, Orlando Gibbons

Bach, the Universe and Everything is our very own Sunday service for inquiring and curious minds; a place to bond with music lovers and revel in the wonders of science.


This cantata is all about healing and enlightenment, reflecting on humanity’s salvation by God’s grace alone. The dramatic weight of this music is emphasised by the voice of Christ in three sermon-like solos, performed by Rising Star bass Dominic Sedgwick.



‘Voice Doctor’ Declan Costello shares with us the mysterious world of vocal anatomy. He will discuss the findings of Public Health England’s study into the transmission of viral particles by singers and musicians. Brace yourself for some up close and personal pictures of vocal cords, too!

Catch the event on YouTube from 11:30am on Sunday 30 August

You can download our programme here or view it in your web browser.