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Christmas Crackers

Festive programme including the overture to Handel's Messiah, Corelli's Christmas concerto and more
Bristol, St George's Bristol Book

Christmas is a time for celebration and jubilation and the OAE’s festive programme offers this in abundance. With so few chances this year to encounter live music, this is a gift of a concert that brings to sparkling life music by the Baroque greats, from JS Bach and Buxtehude to Corelli and Schutz. And no festive offering would be complete without a nod to Handel’s joyful Messiah, and even an invitation to the audience to raise its own carol singing voice to the spirited accompaniment of the glorious instruments of the OAE.


Handel from Messiah: overture, Rejoice

Bach from BWV 140 ‘Zion hört die Wächter singen’

Corelli Christmas concerto

Heinrich Schütz ‘Verbum Carl fact um est’

Praetorius ‘Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen’


Dietrich Buxtehude ‘In dulci jubilo’

Bach ‘Bereite Dich Zion’ (Weihnachtsoratorium)

Charpentier ‘Noël pour les instruments’ 1

Bach ‘Jesus bleibet meine Freude’ from BWV 147