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The Night Shift at The George Tavern

Get yourself ready for a cheap night at the opera!
Shadwell, The George Tavern £13 suggested price - or 'pay what you choose' (from £7 minimum) Book Now

We are nothing if not classy and ready to rise to a challenge at the OAE, so for one night only we bring all the style and revelry of the opera house to an east London inn.*

18th Century performers were pretty astute at spotting that one way to increase your audience ratings was to bring the operatic hits of the day to the gig. In that noble tradition, our flautists, Lisa Beznosiuk and Neil McLaren have compiled a pot-pourri of arrangements of Mozart’s opera arias and trios by Hoffmeister and Haydn…

We even stage our own revival of the 19th Century’s favourite comic opera (and we’re sure it’s yours too), Zampa by Ferdinand Hérold… complete with narration! Don’t forget to leave a review.

*The OAE in no way advocates for pubs as a replacement for actual opera houses. Both are essential in a thriving society and need protecting.


The Night Shift is our series of informal chamber music gigs – literally music for smaller rooms, in the home or other places where people socialise.  They’re a chance to hear the members of the OAE playing music that they’re passionate about and bringing in a wide range of musical influences. So come along, grab a drink with friends (or meet some new ones) and enjoy the music.

There are two ticket price choices for The Night Shift. Our suggested price is £13 or you can ‘pay what you choose’ by entering your own amount (with a £7 minimum up to as much as you like!).