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Friends and patrons

Get closer to the Orchestra and our music by becoming a Friend or Patron.

Ranging from £50 to £15,000 per year, our membership schemes have a wide variety of benefits on offer to suit every taste.

As an OAE Friend, you can be sure to get your hands on your favourite seats with our priority booking period. You’ll also benefit from a unique insight into the inner workings of the Orchestra with regular rehearsal access. There are opportunities to meet the players and invitations to many events throughout the season.

OAE Patrons enjoy unrivalled access to our artistic activity. Involvement includes invitations to Glyndebourne dress rehearsals as well as dinner with OAE players and artists. Come on Patron trips and enjoy special insight into the artistic process behind our projects.



Love the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment? Curious about what goes on behind the scenes? Become part of the family by joining the OAE Friends today.

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Join the OAE Patron Scheme and you’ll become a vital part of one of the world’s leading period instrument Orchestras.

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"I would say to anyone thinking about signing up to be a Friend or Patron of the OAE: Just do it. "
Rebecca Miller, OAE Young Ambassador Patron
OAE NextGen

OAE NextGen

We’re encouraging aspiring young philanthropists, under 45, to pave the way for the next generation of donors and become a Young Patron.

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