OAE Education Schools 22-23

Each year the OAE runs a programme for primary schools across London to participate in a range of projects for EY, KS1 and KS2 pupils.

Please fill in the online form at the bottom of this page by Wednesday 14 September.

Each project is designed for 2 classes but if you have a three form entry please let us know and we will try and accommodate you.

Strand 1: Early Years - The King of the Sea

Strand 1: Early Years - The King of the Sea

A project for Nursery and Reception pupils that will take them on a journey down into the sea to meet Poseidon the King of the Sea. With Bass Timothy Dickinson and narrator Adam Courting.

Autumn Term 2022
November – dates tbc – Early Years Teacher Training Session

Spring Term 2023
Half-day school workshop (Jan/Feb)
Early March dates tbc Early Years Concerts

Strand 2 - KS1 - The Magic of Mozart

Strand 2 - KS1 - The Magic of Mozart

A project for Year 1 and 2 children to explore Mozart’s Symphony 29, join in with Mozart’s ‘Twinkle’ Variations and learn about the instruments in the orchestra.

Autumn Term 2022
November – dates tbc – KS1 Teacher Training Session

Spring Term 2023
Half-day school workshop (Jan/Feb)
Early March – dates tbc- KS1 Concerts

Strand 3: KS2 - The Life of the Sea

Strand 3: KS2 - The Life of the Sea

Following on from our KS2 project The Life of the Forest in 2022, this year’s project will be called The Life of the Sea and will be a new show devised by Hazel Gould. Wider opportunity groups will be able to perform alongside the OAE mixed in with a newly commissioned song and baroque repertoire from the OAE.

Summer Term 2023
April – dates tbc – KS2 Teacher Training session
Half-day workshops (May/June)
mid-June KS2 Concerts

Musical Journeys: A Day at the Pond / Mausam

Musical Journeys: A Day at the Pond / Mausam

In an enchanting series of short films, journey to the pond with Seetal and her friends and explore life at the pond through music and dance.

Musical Journeys: A Day at the Pond / Mausam is a brand new, multi-part digital musical resource for early years children.

This is project we have created with Orchestras Live, NYMAZ and SAA-uk for Early Years and costs £30 for a years’ access – do have a look and please do sign up to that if you wish!

For more information and to sign up please visit the Connect Resound website.


We are asking for a £500 contribution for the year per school and this enables each school to take part in two strands. The total cost per school is in the region of £2500 and the other costs for this programme are met by Music Hubs, the OAE and Trusts and Foundations.

Registration Form