Introducing the Baroque Bassoon
Wednesday 23 August 2017
Former Principal Bassoon Peter Whelan introduces the baroque bassoon.

Mozart's Horn Quintet, 1st Movement (on a hosepipe horn) | The Night Shift
Monday 8 May 2017
Horn player Martin Lawrence performs Mozart's Horn Quintet on a hosepipe horn, while it crowd-surfs at The Night Shift in Islington.

Introducing the Baroque Violin
Thursday 25 May 2017
Violin Huw Daniel reveals some of the ways the baroque instrument is different from the modern one.

Introducing the Piccolo Violin
Friday 2 June 2017
Take a violin, shrink it and tune it up a minor third. Violin Huw Daniel introduces the piccolo violin.

Roger Montgomery on the Horn in Mahler 2
Tuesday 26 April 2016
Our Principal Horn Roger Montgomery demonstrates two of the different horns musicians were playing during the period Mahler was composing.

Martin Lawrence on Horns in Der Freischütz
Wednesday 25 May 2016
Horn player Martin Lawrence tells us about the ghostly sound of the horn in Weber's opera Der Freischütz.

Introducing the Schnellar Timpani
Wednesday 6 July 2016
Our Principal Timpanist Adrian Bending shows us his new set of drums, the Schnellar Timpani.

Mozart Horn Concerto No.4, Rondo - on the Natural Horn
Sunday 15 April 2018
Watch our Principal Horn, Roger Montgomery, perform the Rondo from Mozart's Horn Concerto No.4 on a natural horn at The Night Shift.

Double Bass Bow: French or German?
Monday 13 November 2017
Double bass Margaret Urquhart shows how the German bow makes Handel's fast and frantic string-crossings possible.

Nicola Benedetti: Beethoven on period instruments
Friday 2 February 2018
Violin Nicola Benedetti chats with us about the challenges and rewards in performing Beethoven on period instruments as she joins us on a tour around the UK and US.