Leave a gift in your will

By including OAE in your will, you'll help us to inspire, enthuse, and challenge future generations. Those who identify themselves to us as legacy pledgers will be invited to a special event during the year, gaining an insight into the Orchestra and its artistic process.
"The goal isn't to live forever; it is to create something that will."
Sir Martin Smith, OAE President

How Your Generosity Can Help

Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Here are two ways your generosity can have a lasting impact. Legacy pledges give a sense of certainty in the future of the OAE to enable us to plan with ambition and confidence:


Unrestricted Gift: This is the most helpful bequest, and allows us to use your donation where it’s needed most, ensuring maximum impact.

Designated Gift: Do you have a specific area of our work that resonates with you? Perhaps it’s a chair in the orchestra, one of our inspiring and unique projects, or a vital education programme. A designated gift ensures your support goes directly to that area.


Did you know that leaving a gift to a charity can also help your loved ones: if you leave 10% or more of your estate to a charity, you’ll be taxed at a lower rate (36% rather than 40%) on any part of your estate that qualifies for inheritance tax.

How we thank you

We honor the generosity of individuals who support OAE through planned gifts. You will join a group of like-minded individuals and be invited to a special programme of activities and events to provide an insight into the future plans of the OAE whilst recognising your generosity. 

We understand that some individuals who have left a gift in their will would prefer to remain anonymous. Please feel welcome to still speak with one of our team so that we can thank you privately and discuss how you would like your gift to be used.

"We have been members of the OAE family for almost 20 years. We have enjoyed every minute of it: the people, the music, the smiles and the teamwork, all coming together to provide education and entertainment to young and old in the delights of world-class period instrument music. Remembering the OAE in our wills aims to help future generations share those pleasures."
Nigel Jones and Françoise Valat-Jones, OAE Season Patrons


The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Trust was set up in 2015 to secure the finances of the Orchestra and generate long-term giving. Any bequest made to the OAE will be held in the Trust, invested to provide a longer-term return on investment and directed wherever the need is greatest at the time. There are two main ways you can leave a gift in your will: 


Residuary gift: you can leave the remainder of your estate or a percentage, once family and friends have been provided for

Pecuniary or cash gift: a fixed amount of money


Below is some suggested wording to include in your will. If you already have a will, you can add a gift to the OAE with a codicil. This example wording can be used by you, or your solicitor to amend your existing will:

In addition to any legacies given in my will, I give to the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Trust, Acland Burghley School, 93 Burghley Road, NW5 1UH, registered charity number 1159451 the sum of £_________ (or % share of my residuary estate) to be used for its general charitable purposes.


Of course, you are under no obligation to let us know if you decide to help us in this way, but we would love to know so we can thank you properly.