Panel Q&A What is the Value of Digital Art?
Monday 5 October 2020
Watch the panel discussion on 'What is the Value of Digital Art?' with Toks Dada, Dame Evelyn Glennie, Lord Ed Vaizey, Steven Devine and David Taylor.

Digital art must be left to digital artists
Tuesday 29 September 2020
Digital art is omnipresent, inescapable, and full of value – a value that (as a society) we are currently ignoring.

What is the Value of Digital Art?
Wednesday 26 August 2020
On 22 October, we will release 30 new and visually-stunning performance videos. But what are they worth? We invite you to help shape the future of digital art and decide what you'd like to pay for it.

OAE move into Acland Burghley School
Monday 14 September 2020
We are thrilled to announce that we are moving into Acland Burghley School in Camden, North London.

The value of digital art is in making it accessible beyond the 7.30pm club
Thursday 17 September 2020
For all the audience development initiatives and nice words about accessibility, going to see an opera, concert, ballet or theatre show generally remains a club for those lucky enough to be able to get to a venue at 7.30 pm.

More than a Record: The Cultural Value of Digital Art
Thursday 24 September 2020
What is the value of digital art?

The formidable Queen Dido of Carthage
Tuesday 16 February 2021
A short reflection on how Dido has been portrayed throughout the centuries.

Embers of Romanticism
Wednesday 3 February 2021
Announcing new film on OAE Player featuring music by Wagner, Webern and Strauss | Premiere 10 Feb

OAE awarded £37.5k from second round of the Cultural Recovery Fund
Friday 2 April 2021
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment among more than 2,700 recipients to benefit from the latest round of…

Our co-production of Bach's St John Passion with Marquee TV
Thursday 1 April 2021
As an Easter treat, we have filmed a co-production with the wonderful Marquee TV of Bach's St John…