Sea Voyages and Salvation: Roderick Williams sings baroque cantatas with us

Roderick Williams joins us on 8 June for our latest OAE Player concert. Roderick performed a haunting and melancholic programme of Bach and Handel with us back in October, and he now joins us again to sing a selection of baroque cantatas JS Bach, Bruhns and Graupner. This concert is directed by Roderick Williams and our Leader, Kati Debretzeni.

Katharina Spreckelsen, our Principal Oboe, helped to put the programme together:

‘Roderick and I started off by choosing the Bach cantata, simply because it’s one of the most wonderful ones we know. I then thought about the fact when Bach was appointed to his job in Leipzig at the Thomas Kirche, he wasn’t actually a part of their plan A. They offered the job to Telemann first, who declined because he got a better offer in Hamburg. They then offered the position to Graupner, but he got offered more money in Darmstadt. It actually seems as though Bach was plan C!

The Bruhns was chosen as I just love the piece. Legend has it that Bruhns performed it by himself; apparently he played the fiendish violin part whilst playing the bass with the organ pedals and singing the vocal part. If it is true, he must have been a very clever chap. Not totally believable, but the story is good anyway!’

Chosen for its countryside setting and picturesque interior, this concert was filmed in beautiful Ayot St Lawrence church. We thought that the remote setting would provide the perfect silent backdrop for filming; ironically, the recording was occasionally interrupted by the local sheep who decided they wanted to record their bleating for posterity…

Thanks are given to the Church and Christine Stevenson for kindly allowing the us to use the Church for free and for being so welcoming.

This performance will premiere on OAE Player at 8pm BST on Tuesday 8 June.